A Solar Battery Backup System keeps the power on when the grid goes down

One of the most important questions that homeowners and business owners ask is: "will I have power in a blackout?"
This inquiry is even more pressing now than in years past due to the widespread increase in severe weather events such as winter storms floods and fires, combined with the fact that the country's aging utility grid infrastructure was not designed to handle such enormous and constant demand. Research by the Power My Home has found that the Canada experiences more blackouts lasting more than one hour than any other developed nation — and the frequency and duration has steadily climbed over the last decade.
More Brownouts and Blackouts are the Norm
Ultimately, this means that we can no longer exclusively rely on the power company to always "keep the lights on." Rolling brownouts and frequent blackouts are the norm, not the exception — especially in Vancouver. Understandably, this is causing homeowners to be concerned about the safety of their family and the security of their property and assets, while it also causes business owners to worry about the costs they must absorb when operations are interrupted for hours or days.
#1 Solar Company in Vancouver, Canada
How a Solar Battery Backup System Works
The good news is that homeowners and business owners can be proactive by installing a photovoltaic (PV) solar electric system with a solar battery backup system.
A photovoltaic solar electric system generates power for home or business use, and excess energy is sold back to the utility grid. During an outage (i.e. when the utility grid is unavailable for any reason), the backup inverter switches on and powers a critical load subpanel, which in turn provides power to essential appliances and equipment, such as lights, phones, computers, well pumps, and so on. When the utility grid resumes operation, the solar battery backup system switches off, and essentially hands back control to the primary photovoltaic solar electric system.
Automatic Switching
One of the most important features of a backup battery system is that everything happens automatically. Switching from the photovoltaic solar electric system during an outage and switching back after grid power is restored is fully automated. There is nothing for homeowners or business owners to do, or to worry about.
Case Study: True Solar Powered Fly In B & B
The Power My Home team recently had the privilege of helping one of their customers become the first ever solar powered fly in bed and breakfast in Vancouver. The state-of-the-art 22Kw system that was installed, which powers both the B&B and airplane hangar, is comprised of:
(62) 355-watt solar electric (photovoltaic) panels.
(3) SolarEdge Storedge power Inverters.
(2) LG lithium ion storage batteries that provide seamless electric power in the event of an outage.
For Mr. Carter, the owner of the True Fly In B&B, a reliable battery backup system was a top priority given that power outages are common in rural areas east of Vancouver. Furthermore, thanks to recent breakthroughs in lithium ion technology, Mr. Carter and his team can expect more than a decade of battery life.
Learn More
To learn more about the advantages and benefits of installing a photovoltaic (PV) solar electric system with a solar battery backup system, contact Power My Home today. Your consultation with us is free, and remember: unlike some other companies, we are a 100% all-inclusive contactor. From roof measurements, design, engineering, permitting, installation and final inspection, our experts handle everything without using sub-contractors. This allows us to provide our customers with exceptional value, total quality, unbeatable service, rapid responsiveness, and full accountability — every step of the way!